Note: If you are interested in joining one of the clubs detailed below, or taking part in their events, please contact the listed contact in the first instance.

Air Na Creagan Mountaineering Club

Based in North Ayrshire, the club started in December, 2001, and now has 46 members ranging from beginners to winter climbers. Log on to their website at

Am Binnein Hillwalking Club

Club meetings take place every Friday at 7:30pm in the club house at Caprington Golf Club (Ayr Rd, Kilmarnock KA1 4UW).

The club holds a walk every second Sunday and has both Winter and Summer programmes, mainly climbing Munros & Corbetts. There are three club weekends away during the year as well as various camping/walking trips organised by members.

Presently membership stands at 46 and the club is always looking for new members.

For more information, please visit:

Contact us on Facebook: /ambinnein

Derek Murchie: 01560 320879
Eva Howat: 01563 521528

Badenoch & Strathspey Ramblers

Tel 01540 661069 for more info.

Blairgowrie & District Hillwalking Club

Log on to the club's website for more info.

Cioch Mountaineering Club

Contact: Log on to the club's website for more info.

Clyde Valley Mountaineering Club

Contact: Iain McManus (secretary), 1 Dunlop Court, Hamilton ML3 7YJ. Tel: 01698 425547. Email:

We meet every Tuesday at 9pm in the Rowantree Inn, Uddingston. Ad hoc day meets are organised in addition to the main programme.

Duncanrig Rambling Club

We are looking for new members and are a very friendly club. we are based in Westwood, East Kilbride, have over 100 members and were first established in 1987. We walk every second Sunday. Our walks are usually around 10 miles and we have social evenings on the Mondays between walks. Members vary in age from 20 to over 70 years young.

For more info, log on to

Ferranti Hillwalking Club

For more info, visit

Forfar & District Hillwalking Club

Contact: Margaret Baird, Powsoddie, Brechin DD9 6JY. Tel: 01356 625680.

Regular monthly business meetings are held usually on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm, (except July and August). The current venue for the meetings is at Kingsmuir Village Hall (outside Forfar). During the winter months, a programme of talks/slide shows are arranged and these take place after the business meetings. Anyone wishing to attend the meetings will be made most welcome.

Friockheim & District Hillwalking Club

Tel 01241 877165 for more info.

Glenrothes Hillwalkers Club

The club meets on the first Tuesday of every month in Tullis Russell Training Centre, Glenrothes, at 7.30pm. We usually have a speaker on some topic related to hill walking followed by club business. Club walks are on the Sunday following the meeting and are usually at three levels to satisfy all levels of experience and fitness. We are always keen to welcome new members and more information can be found on the club website at

The Grampian Club

For further information on membership contact the Secretary, Bill Crabb by email at and on day meets contact the Meet Secretary, Bryan Griffiths by email at For general enquiries email

Glasgow 20s & 30s Walking Group

Tel 0141 339 4834 for more info.

Moray Mountaineering Club

We have a monthly bus meet on the third Sunday of each month. Bus Leaves Elgin at 6am. We also have monthly weekend meets, mid week climbing meets (indoor in winter) and indoor meets (talks and slide shows, etc) during winter months. This is a friendly, active club with a membership of around 140. For more info log on to the club website at or email

Orkney Ramblers Club

Tel 01856 874693 for more info.

Scottish Christian Hillwalking Club

For more info, visit

Scottish Midweek Mountaineering Club

All enquiries to Liz Mackay, 4B/2 Belford Park, Edinburgh, EH4 3DP. Please send SAE.

Stonehaven Mountaineering and Hillwalking Club

For all enquiries, contact:

Clubs: Keep in touch with existing members and attract new ones - submit details of your events, walks, lectures, reports, etc, for publication here. Send you details by email. Information is included free of charge for walking or climbing groups.